EASY DIY ICE LANTERN | The most beautiful winter decorations

diy ice lantern

During the darkest time of the year, you need this super easy DIY Ice Lantern outside your home. There is nothing more welcoming than a cozy lantern shining just for you.

A simple yet gorgeous Ice Lantern is how you make the dark time of the year more bright. Also, the cozy atmosphere can bring joy and warmth to any frozen soul. This easy DIY Ice Lantern will teach you how you can use the cold winter elements for something beautiful in your garden.

Wintertime does not need to be snowcovered to be festive. The only thing you need for this is a temperature below the freezing point. The final result is an ice lantern that will make every neighbor drop their jaw so that you can teach them. Soon you will live in the brightest street of the neighborhood, and the darkest time of the year is suddenly not so dark anymore.

The way we make this DIY Ice Lantern was how my dad made them growing up in the north part of Sweden.

My dad taught me how to make this fun outdoor decoration. Since I grew up with the long and cold Scandinavian winter it was a natural element to play around with. Nowadays it is a tradition that I and my wife always bring with us wherever we go.

Follow the steps in this video and remember that only your own imagination is the limit. ENJOY!

Enjoy this bonus DIY lantern idea:

Instead of ice, you can use snow. Simply make a lot of snowballs and place them as shown below. Use regular tea lights to make your garden shine.

diy ice lantern - snow lantern

Cozy Winter Bucket List - Holiday and Christmas Activities
These lanterns are a perfect activity for our COZY WINTER BUCKET LIST
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