WINTERTIME IN NEW YORK || Seasonal Married Life Diary

Wintertime in New York can be very different from other places we’ve lived in. You never know what to expect from one day to the other. One day can be so cold that Jack Frost knocking on the door wanting to come in for a cup of tea while warming his feet. While the next day can be a sunny experience with birds singing in a deceiving way that yesterdays winter was just a dream.

This year the tree growing in our backyard decided to keep its autumn leaves far into February. We felt like we were living in the middle of a complicated love affair between autumn, winter, and spring. The coldest chapters of our winter lasted over Christmas, it gave us a white one that involved funny activities like creating Ice Lanterns, or mostly enjoy the season from inside a warm cottage, with our noses over steaming cups of tea.

A cottage without electricity!

Despite a couple of “snow days” (when our jobs had to be closed due to the road conditions) at the beginning of the new year we also faced a more challenging adventure when we lost our power for a few days during the last snow storm of the season. It made us realize how lucky we are to have heat.

Unfortunately, you take it for granted the rest of the year. To lay down our heads on cold pillows, feeling more like bags of frozen peas, falling asleep with steam coming out of our breaths was Winter’s quirky way to say goodbye for now. Winter might come off as harsh at some times, but next time I feel the need to cool myself off with an ice tea, I will think of him and smile. What is there not to love? He is, after all, a part of our charming life.

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P.S. We have now finished 1 year (4 chapters) or married life at our cottage! Have you seen the spring, summer, and autumn in New York stories? It’s crazy to think we’ve moved into this charming cottage for 1 year ago!


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