Depression is more common than we may realize, and many of us suffer in silence. These 10 Self-care tips have been very helpful to us, and we hope that it can improve your mental health as well. A simple step is all it takes to start a journey to a more joyful tomorrow.
As an international couple from Sweden and California, we’ve had our share of challenging situations that have led to our own versions of depression. Even if things such as, being separated from family, work-related burnouts, or facing a winter depression, is different topics in themselves, the taste of it is usually the same. It tastes dull, dark, and, hopeless. But, know that you are not alone, so many people, including us, have been there too.
Depression can affect everyone’s mental health differently. Therefore, Self-care can look different too.
Sometimes you need to seek professional help, and sometimes a small change in your daily life is enough to set a path that can lead toward finding your happiness again. Perhaps something in this list can be suitable for you to try out as a step towards joy, and a step away from depression.

1. Collect Sunlight:
You can “collect” sunlight in many ways. Walking in it, laying in it, or playing in it. Sunlight is the most important thing for everything that grows, so why not collect some whenever you can? …since it is free! Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year. It sounds pretty bleak, but it is a positive turning point, because reaching it you’ll know that the next day will be a little brighter, and the next, and the next one, etc.
It is very easy to want to sleep the day away, especially when it feels like you don’t have anything to wake up to. But, trying to have a small routine can help, by going up the same time every morning, perhaps having a breakfast that you enjoy, coffee, etc. Maybe reading a little from a book can be a way to create a “distraction” from what seems useless while under the blanket.
Vitamine D is a great complement for sunlight, atleast during the darker and colder months when the sun does not shine as much as we like. There is many online stores you can choose from to make your vitamine purchases easy for you.
2. Outside Experiences
To be outside is important, not only for the sunlight but also for fresh air. So many times it is easy to stay in the same room breathing the same air and not feel any difference since the days before. We have found out that it does something just going out for a little moment when you can.
It can be hard, especially in the wintertime. If skiing is nothing for you, don’t worry, there are more activities that are worth doing, some are as easy as just exploring the surrounding, on foot. It is also not a rule that you have to have an activity connected to your “outdoor visit”. Sometimes to just stand outside for a while can givet you another perspective, or sparks of inspiration that you need when you return inside.
If you avoid spending time outside because you don’t feel comfortable in your clothes, shoes, etc, it can be a good investment to treat yourself with whatever makes you feel comfortable. (If your economy allows it ofc.) To spend time outside in a jacket that not sit right is draining compared to wearing a jacket you like and makes you warm. The same with shoes. Comfortable shoes that inspire you to do what they are made for, walking, strolling, and take you places. Here is our list of Cozy Winer Activities.

3. Clean Eating
Food is what makes us going. Therefore it is important to eat what is good for you. Green and healthy food does not have to be complicated. The grocery stores nowadays make it look as quick artificial meals are the easiest to make, but it does not have to be like that. Especially when healthy basic food is better for you and does not have to cost a fortune as it might seem. (Although, if you have serious conditions always consult a dietist, and/or a doctor before you make any big changes.)
While being in depression it might feel as your favorite food is a comfort, and you’re right, compared to animals we humans have the gift to choose what we want to eat, and eating for plain pleasure. Therefore think about what healthier options there are for your favorite meals, and try to figure out how you can eat as tasty as you like but healthier. Replace products in small doses if it helps you, or start making one of your meals a day more healthy as a start. Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner.
4. Create a Cozy “Hygge” Home
Your home is your fortress, and to make it as safe as possible for you is important. In the darker seasons of the year, you can add more light, real candles or fairy lights, etc. Don’t stop with only the things you can see, try adding nice fragrance too. Bake something, (the home-baked smell is cozy) or use oils or potpourri to make your home environment smell happy. Btw, did you know you can create a cozy Cottage aestethic not even living in a cottage?
The purpose of “Hygge” is to having a cozy space to relax and enjoy the slow pace. To draw a nice bath, creating a home spa experience for yourself. Take an evening when you are only doing something you feel happy doing. By taking care of yourself you give your body, mind, and soul the love it deserves.
We believe that a messy home environment makes you feel more stressed compared to a tidy one. Piles of laundry, papers, and cardboard boxes give the illusion that you have many tasks that haven’t been done yet. It can put stress on you. It makes a big difference enjoying a cup of tea in a tidy environment than in a disorganized one. Try it if you can, maybe just one box, drawer, or corner. You might notice that you have a lot of things you don’t need, that put weight on your life.
Here are a few suggestions for small businesses that add to your cozy aesthetics and lifestyle:
WILLOW & BIRCH Apothecary – Beauty and Bath product inspired by the Victorian era.
THE WOODLAND LIBRARY – Prints, Bookmarks, and Postcards, of the cozy book inspired sorts.
TEA SPECTRAL – Lovely tea blends that strive to appeal to all of the senses.

5. Stay Social
In these hard times “social distancing” is something we must live with as much we can for the safety of others, as much as ourselves. It will be different when times change for the better. Until then, to stay social can mean to reach out to friends and family in many different ways.
If you don’t enjoy making phone calls, write a postcard, or text them. Don’t be afraid to “open up”, you might realize that so many suffer in silence, and need each other just to talk. A nice way if you want to start in a more private manner can be to join an online community. It can be a book club or anything you are interested in, also write to your local library, they usually know what is going on.
6. Digital Detox
You can be social in a digital way, but as much of a luxury it is, it can also be important to have at least one day a week when you detox yourself from the digital world around you. Spend it off social media, rest your brain from all the articles, and news of bad things constantly happening in the world.
Focus on the close world around you. Listen to the real birds instead of Twitter. Spend time with your face in a real book instead of Facebook. Just for one day, or an afternoon. You will notice a big difference. Also, consider turning your WiFi off at night, and put your phone on airplane mode. It is proven to be better for you since your body does not have to sleep in the radiation you don’t even use at night.

7. Start a Series
To start something in a series can be a way to have something that follows you along the darker months or if you are going through a rough time. A book series can be something you look forward to, a reason to go up earlier or retire to bed earlier (…with a book). See our list of Mystery Novels.
Also, a decent tv-show can be a great way to have more ongoing entertainment to revisit. We are not talking about binge-watching on a daily basis, but in a healthy way have something that inspires you, knowing that it isn’t over after one episode, or after you finished that one book. This is also applicable to podcasts series. Just encourage yourself to not pick something that is mainly focused on negative behaviors. Be picky!
8. Explore a new Hobby
When we lived in Sweden we enjoyed going to medieval craft fairs in the summer. It was inspiring to see some amazing handmade garments that those artists told us have been working on the whole winter. It always inspired us hearing about it since working on your craft during the darker months not only keep you focused on something, it also help you look forward to the upcoming fairs in the summer.
It is amazing how much you can teach yourself nowadays on Youtube. So many skilled artists is out there sharing from their knowledge. But don’t be dissapointed if it does not come out as theirs on the first try. Have fun with it and do it because it is nice to learn new skills.
To self improve your self does not only have to be about skills, it can be about knowledge. Learning about history can be very interesting, as well as listening to podcasts about practically anything. Maybe it encourages you to start to share what you have.

9. Plan Adventures
Adventures can be hard to plan during these times. We have to think out of the box nowadays. Adventures do not have to involve overcrowded locations and traveling, it can be something local, that is handled in a safe manner. The grass is not always greener on the other side of the world, it can in fact be green in your neighborhood or a nearby park. An adventure can be to pack a thermos with coffee, heading out to try to hear an owl, or spot raspberries in the wild.
10. Don’t Compare
Maybe this tips are the most important one, but also the hardest. Don’t compare yourself with others. Don’t try to become someone else, but rather get inspired by others. You will always be you, it does not matter if you change your wardrobe to look like your favorite influencer. Be exclusive and dare to tell yourself what you don’t like as much as what you like. So much pressure is upon us believing certain things are expected.
With this list we hope that you feel more inspired, reaching for your dreams, and goals, and can take steps towards your journey of a charming life.

Pingback: HOW TO COTTAGECORE YOUR LIFE (Cozy Cottage Advice.)
Solidly excellent, compassionate, and insightful suggestions. Thank you both – from a fellow mental health warrior – for the blessing of your experience and knowledge.
Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life
Thank you! I am glad we can be of help by sharing our experiences. That makes it worth it! 🙂
Take care of you and be safe!
Your suggestions are good and realistic. I will definitely try them. Thank you 🙏
Thank you Erica! Wishing you all the best, and let us know what you think of them.
These are wonderful suggestions. Some I have already been doing with some success, but you have given me ideas for new things to try that I had not considered. It also helps to know that I am not alone in feeling this way. I usually feel a bit melancholy and blue in Winter, but losing my mom a year and a half ago combined with the isolation of the pandemic has made this year especially hard. I am lucky that I do have my husband with me, but we are both feeling it as we loved going for walks and visiting our favorite park but we live in a very populated area and are both at higher risk so going out regularly is not really possible for us. I will say that I have been inspired by you to make our apartment feel like a cozy cottage and that has been lovely. I wish you both much love and joy and cheer! Hoping the groundhog brings us all good news this year!
Hello Ann, thank you for your comment. I am so sorry to hear about your mother. Combined with this pandemic I understand it must feel very sad.
Hope happier days will come to you very soon. Until then, know that you are not alone. So inspiring to hear that you made your apartment feel like a cozy cottage.
I think it is the smaller things like that that keep one going through hard times like this.
Be safe, and take care of you both!
Thank you so much for these suggestions and the lovely video. I am wondering about the lemon -ginger-honey you’ve created. Do you just pour hot water over it? Can it be kept at room temperature?
Thank you Aimee, for your comment! I am glad you enjoyed the lemon-ginger honey.
It can last in the fridge for a month. And yes, I poured hot water over it.
It is quite flavorful 🙂
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