Cottagecore and Countryside books go hand in hand. It is about romanticizing your life and seeking inspiration from the fictional characters that are living your countryside dreams. Springtime is a reminder that even the smallest person can make a difference, and we can inspire each other by just being ourselves, like the snowdrops and crocuses …
We found winter to be a good time to read mystery novels, or short stories with suspense. For our “Sleepy Hollow Book Club” we picked our personal favorite mysteries that we think never dissapoint any cold winter day. We usually think of England when we are picturing a classic mystery novel. Characters like Agatha Christie’s …
Old Christmas came to stay in Sleepy Hollow after Washington Irving’s time in England. In his sack, he brought “The Headless Horseman” and “Santa Claus.” Was he truly the man who invented Christmas? It has forever been debated who really “invented” Christmas. Was it Charles Dickens and his 3 Christmas ghosts, or Washington Irving, the …
The “Legend of Sleepy Hollow” by Washington Irving is celebrating its bicentennial; first published 200 years ago in Irving’s collection of 34 essays and short stories entitled “The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon.” Jump to Part 1: Get to know the Author Jump to Part 2: The setting of Sleepy Hollow, New York Jump to …
Are you looking for some cozy reads this autumn and winter? We’ve compiled a Dark Academia reading list with the best books for cool crisp weather that you can enjoy with a nice cup of tea. DARK ACADEMIA READING LIST To create this list we simply asked our book club members for their suggestions and …
In the Cozy Cottage Book Club we read “Anne of Green Gables” by L.M. Montgomery. A story about a daydreaming red-headed orphan girl who came to Prince Edward Island by mistake. Yet, won the hearts of the whole village of Avonlea. Part 1: Fun facts + get to know the author, L.M. Montgomery. Part 2: …
In Cozy Cottage Book Club we are reading cottagecore classics. The Wind in the Willows was an obvious choice for the summer since it is one of the most beloved novels that most of us have stumbled upon at least one time during our childhoods. Even though it is a well-known children’s book, did you …
We learned a lot of new fun facts about the beloved author of “The Secret Garden”, Frances Hodgson Burnett, after having an exclusive conversation with her Great-Great-Grand-Daughter, Keri Wilt. Things that you might not know about Frances Hodgson Burnett! – She was born a storyteller and told her classmates’ chapters of her stories during recesses. …
Dear Friends, We’re excited to announce a new endeavor and invite you to join the Sleepy Hollow Book Club. We hope this will be a creative space for book lovers, writers, and storytellers. It was quite serendipitous to launch the club on the bicentennial of “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” first published in the “The …
Dear Friends, we’re so happy to announce that WE’RE WRITING A BOOK!!! Now that our “secret project” is out there we’re still going to keep it secret in a way but there are some ways of how you can support us and get exclusive content. We’re keeping our experience of writing a book still a …
Once upon a summertime in Sweden… June and strawberries are synonymous in Swedish culture. It feels like a miracle that there is such scrumptious ruby fruits growing from the earth after such a long winter and sometimes very cold springtime. Perhaps that’s why they taste that much more delightful after so much anticipation. Native Americans …
In the words of The Brothers Grimm, let me tell you a tale of 2 kindred spirits whose friendship quite resembles that of a fairy tale sisterhood… “There was once a poor widow who lived in a lonely cottage. In front of the cottage was a garden wherein stood two rose trees, one of which …