Thank you for being interested in It’s a Charming Life! Here you will find our most frequently asked questions. Please, START HERE to hopefully find the answer you’re looking for in this handy-dandy guide. (Some of these links contain Affiliates*)
HOW TO BECOME A MEMBER | Ways to Participate
SUPPORT & SHOPPING | Get our favorite products
JONAS’ ARTWORK | Artprints, Tools, and Pumpkin Carving

ABOUT US | Cottage life
Where are you both from and how did Lindsay & Jonas meet?
- Lindsay is from California and Jonas is from Sweden. You can hear the story of how we met in our “Our Love Story” YouTube video.
How did you find the cottage in Sleepy Hollow, New York and do you offer home tours?
- We found the cottage to rent via Craigslist. Find out more details in our “Cottage Q&A” video.
- Please note: We do NOT offer home tours of the cottage or give real estate advice.
Where can I find your free recipes?
- They can be found in the recipe category catalog on our blog. We offer printable vintage recipe cards of each one on our Patreon.
Can you give me, and/or, my group a private tour of Sleepy Hollow?
- At this time we do not offer travel services in Sleepy Hollow Country. Please find our personal recommendations in our “Visit Sleepy Hollow” blog post.
How can I send you a gift?
- Gifts are appreciated, however due to our tiny and limited space a donation is as much appreciated via our PayPal Tip Jar.
- Our Amazon Wishlist if the best way to see what we are in need of (that we haven’t been able to find second-hand)
- We have a PO Box where we can only accept small flat items such as cards and letters. Please include an email address in a note so we can thank you. We check our box once a month so please be patient if you don’t hear from us right away. Our mailing address is: 50 N Broadway, P.O. Box 74, Tarrytown, NY, 10591
HOW TO BECOME A MEMBER | Ways to Participate
How do I join your email newsletter?
- Click here to sign up for our Newsletter.
How do I join the Cozy Cottage Club on Patreon?
- You’re welcome to join one of our tiers on our Patreon where we offer exclusive perks like bonus videos, BTS photos, art wallpapers, Q&A Priority, plus more!
- We also have a Channel Membership on our YouTube channel where you can get a custom tea pot emoji badge and comment reply priority.
How do I join the Cozy Cottage Book Club?
- Our Book Club is hosted on our Discord server which is connected to our Patreon. We read a different book every month followed by a virtual tea party (voice chat discussion).
- You can support independent bookstores through our affiliate bookstore at*
SUPPORT & SHOPPING | Get our favorite products
What Equipment do you use for your YouTube videos?
- Check out our Amazon Store Front* to purchase our favorite equipment and tools that we personally use (we update as frequently as we can).
Where can I buy your Cozy Cottage Tea Blend?
- hand blends and ships our customized tea blend from California. Our tea tin collaborations are seasonal and limited edition.
Where do you find your cottagecore clothing, vintage decor, etc?
- We find our decor and clothing from a variety of places mostly from thrift stores both in store and on-line such as Etsy, eBay, Poshmark, Mercari (use our code ABFTUX and get $30 when you sign up with our link)*, and Thredup (use our link for $10 to shop on your first purchase)*
Pro Tip: Use keywords in online searches such as “vintage, cottagecore, prairie, linen” - Lindsay’s favorite vintage inspired cottagecore clothing companies: Son de Flor*, Little Women Atelier, Unique Vintage, Collectif Clothing (to name a few)
- Our favorite candle companies that we have worked with are Storybook Candle Co & Mythologie Candles*
- Willow & Birch Apothecary creates Victorian inspired soaps, creams, candles, and perfumes. Use code CHARM10 to get 10% off*
JONAS’ ARTWORK | Art Prints, Tools, and Pumpkin Carving
Where can I buy Jonas’ artwork?
- Prints, postcards, and more can be purchased in “The Woodland Library” Etsy Shop
- Original artwork can be acquired on “The Woodland Library” Official Website where you can sign up for Jonas’ email newsletter to be notified when a collection is being released.
- Commission requests contact Jonas directly HERE!
What art supplies does Jonas use and where can I get them?
- You can get Jonas’ favorite Art Supplies and Pumpkin Carving tools HERE!*
What Pumpkin-studio does Jonas work for and where can I see their events?
- Jonas works for “Rise of the Jack O Lanterns” (not to be confused with The Blaze) you can find upcoming events and purchase tickets on their website.