STORY BEHIND OUR COVER STORY | Marjorie Magazine Interview!

Dear Friends, join us for a cozy tea time in the cottage chatting about our cover story with Marjorie Magazine about “The Way Charming Should Be” and ways you can live a charming life too! It’s such an honor to grace the pages of this beautiful autumn/winter publication that celebrates the best of vintage lifestyles for the modern world. We know you’ll love Marjorie as much as we do too! Get your own copy or buy for a kindred spirit HERE ($15 + shipping).

We got to ask the lovely Paris Kim, creator of the magazine, 5 questions so you can get to know her better!

1. It’s A Charming Life: What inspired you to start Marjorie Magazine?

Paris Kim: “I’ve always loved old-fashioned things of the past…analog helped people live in the moment and more beautifully! Reading Anne of Green Gables, listening to Big Band in part to my grandfather, I realized that classic never gets old. There was no huge hub for this amazing community of vintage fashion bloggers I discovered on IG, so that’s where Marjorie began!”

2. IACL: Who is Marjorie named after? It’s such a lovely old-fashioned name!

PK: “Marjorie came from how it just sounded. I didn’t know anyone today named Marjorie, I read it in an F. Scott Fitzgerald story and heard a few singers from the 1930’s named Marjorie. It just felt right,  especially the alliteration!”

3. IACL: What’s your favorite part of running a magazine? It’s so impressive how you’ve built from the ground up by yourself!

PK: “The discovery and the writing! A lot of my life is influenced by looking for the vintage beauty in a time so forward and progressive like 2018, and so when I find a new tech item or swing dance event, I know I must report!”

4. IACL: All your photos around San Fransisco where you’re based are so lovely, what do you find most charming about it?

PK: “San Francisco is a hub for inspiration, be it the gold rush to the beatniks and hippies and even today’s tech boom. It’s a lovely city to find passions and pursue dreams in, and with every era there is always a piece of the time cemented into the city for life, especially the as architecture. The architecture is my favorite for sure, the charming contrast to such an exciting innovative city that SF is now, it’s so proud of its history!”

5. IACL: We love your classic style, what’s your favorite thing about living a vintage lifestyle?

PK: “Favorite thing is that I never feel pressured into current trends or fad– vintage is timeless and it’ll always be looked up to and enjoyed by anyone of any generation. Vintage styling at age 27 to when I’m a grandma at age 75– I’ll be constant, timeless, and most importantly true to myself!”

Thanks so much Paris for answering some fun questions, and for having us as the cover story of your charming magazine!!! We encourage our kindred spirits here, to take the time for yourself to pick up a copy. You’ll find yourself sitting down for a cuppa and enjoying a charming moment, that could otherwise be missed. Or as Jonas put it best:

“It’s the brief moments that are gone in a heartbeat but leave a soft kiss mark that never fade”

Bye For Now,
-Lindsay Dianne & Jonas

P.S. If you’d like to see some outtake photos from the cover shoot just click HERE!

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