Hygge – The Scandinavian lifestyle that came to stay

Denmark is a small Scandinavian country, connected to Sweden by a very long bridge. It is a beautiful country reported to be the happiest country in the world. With big names in categories such as, movies, music, design, and technology Denmark shows the world that it is not the size who matters.

What is their secret to be so successful then? I believe that to find the answer we have to look past titles, educations, and politic. We have to go directly to the people and go down to the most fundamental need that is in all of us. A viral phenomenon called Hygge!

According to http://www.visitdenmark.com
“Hygge is a tricky word to define, it’s a feeling, an experience, a sensation. It means creating a warm atmosphere. It is enjoying the good things in life with good people. The warm amber glow of candlelight is Hygge. Stomping through woods, wrapped up warm on a fresh Autumn day before returning to a fireside for hot cocoa is definitely Hygge. Friends and family – that’s Hygge too.”

I ask myself, what is true success worth if you don’t have this basic fundament in order. You can be the richest man or woman in the world but truly lack happiness if you can’t enjoy these small but important things in life. Those are the boosts we need, the chargers that keep us going, motivates us to dream about tomorrow.

I realize that Hygge exists in different forms everywhere, not only in Denmark. Living in different countries, like me and my wife, taught us that the basics in a certain culture might be the same everywhere but with different names. I would say that Hygge for me is what we call Fika in Sweden, similar to Tea time in the UK. To take a break from all “must do’s”, be in the moment with friends or by yourself.

When I grew up my parents had a framed photo with the saying “If you can be happy for small things, then you have a lot to be happy for!” As a kid I never understand what it meant, I thought that it was a typo because the modern society teaches us that the more something cost the more happiness it will bring you. Never did I know that it was a perfect definition of Hygge.

New to “Hygge”? Don’t worry here are some fundamental products to consider:
(Click the links below)
1. Knitted Fluffy Blanket
2. Rustic Wood Sign
3. Fairylight 
4. Hammock
5. Hygge Coffee
6. Book: “The Danish Secrets of Happiness”

plus a bonus: Cozy throw pillow

Building an Ice Lantern can add to the outdoor Hygge effect in your life! Click on the image to get to our DIY ICE-LANTERN post!


  1. Marlen

    Cosy and nice!
    Hygge and Mysigt is such a great way to describe the best strategy for survivin winter in good spirits 🙂
    Just found your youtube channel ald love your blog aswell! Heard your husband talk and instantly recognised a good swinglish accent … always fun to se a fellow swede in vintage community.

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