OUT OF THE RABBIT HOLE | Retro Spring Outfit Feat. Lindy Bop

“It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.” ― Lewis Carroll “Alice in Wonderland”

Hello charmings, Lindsay Dianne here! Most people like to make their new year’s resolutions in January, but that has never worked for me. I don’t feel inspired to make changes in my life until the spring comes and the blossoms follow. This year, spring was quite late to our part of the country in New York. After a harsh winter of blizzards and health problems, I finally feel ready for a change, for I’m not the same person I was yesterday.

For the last 3 years I tried to maintain running 2 blogs/youtube channels/Instagram accounts and I half haphazardly was able to keep up with them in-between my 2 jobs. I felt like I fell down a rabbit hole of health scares and winter depression and only recently felt like I was able to poke my nose up from my hibernation again.
Only to realize that all the pretty vintage style clothes I had built up over the last year didn’t fit anymore. It seems a petty thing, but since we had been almost homeless before we moved to the cottage, it was a big deal for me to finally be able to start building a wardrobe that showed who I am on the inside.
It all became so overwhelming that I sought simplicity and a slower pace of life. Which ultimately led to a decision which I hope will make everyone happy! I will now be combining all of my The Bygone Gal fashion and “kindred spirit” content into It’s A Charming Life!
It all feels so right and I feel that as Jonas & I have also grown in the last year closer together in our style, that it will be a great way to include everything that makes up our charming life that we love to share with you all, dear Bygone Gals & Charmings. Thank you dear ones, for you amazing support through everything!

Now for some Alice in Wonderland inspired outfit details! Aren’t the dogwood blooms and lily of the valley just so beautiful in our backyard?

OUTFIT || Dress C/O: Lindy Bop | Hair Scarf: Doll Me Up |  Sandals: White Mountain (similar) | Wood Box Purse: Vintage | Hat, Blouse, Belt: Thrifted

Bye For Now,
Lindsay Dianne

P.S. Dearies, did you make a springtime resolution or some changes in your life?


    1. It's A Charming Life

      Thanks so much for popping over to the blog, Suzy! I quite agree spring went too quickly! Hopefully next year we’ll get to see more of it! Have a lovely summertime!

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