Dear friends,

We all know that the summertime is the best time for flea markets and scoring those deals, but have you ever considered looking for treasures on a vacation? Do you love to go antiquing on your travels? Do you love finding your not so typical (often overpriced) souvenirs? We hope you nodded “YES” because so do we!

On our trip to visit Jonas’ family in Sweden this summer, we came away with a few treasures for the cottage thanks to a lot of “loppis” shopping (1 “loppa” means flea)! Join us in a little show and tell + story time on our YouTube channel (please do subscribe for more charming adventures):

I guess you could say we’re at a slight advantage to know where to look, since we lived in Sweden before, so here’s some of our tips that we’ve picked up along the way:

  1. Google what “flea market” or “antiques” is in the language of the country you plan to travel to and see what you can find.
  2. Look for those key words on signs as you walk around the old towns.
  3. Go to a tourism center and ask for the suggestions. They may have a seasonal guide of pop up summer cafes and flea markets.
  4. “Haggling” with strangers can be intimidating (even more so in another language) but don’t let that deter you, a smile and some hand motions can go a long way!
  5. Have enough cash with you and get to know the currency. Yes, they may try to take advantage of you so have your phone handy to convert currency or you can even use your calculator to show them how much you want to pay.

In the end, you’ll feel quite proud of your bargain and come away with a good story. It’s something we plan to do from now on our adventures! Now, let’s show you some of our favorite spots to hit in the summer when we visit Sweden (Click the photo for a link!)

A charming cafe with an old barn filled with treasures (they also have a cat rescue so it’s pretty much the best place ever)
An old mining village that opens in the summer to serve waffles, pop into the historic cottage for a look through some nick nacks
Another cafe on an old farm with flea market attached!
A few folky treasures we took back with us to the cottage

We love to take souvenirs home with us that have a story. Maybe that’s why we always feel pulled to antiques because they already have a story behind them, it’s exciting to think who may have used that old copper kettle before us or who wore this lovely fringed shawl.

Now, they have become apart of our story and have even traveled around the world too! We certainly hope you liked this post + video and do let us know, if flea market finds is something you’d like to see more of from us!

Bye For Now,

Lindsay & Jonas

P.S. Dearies, what’s the best vintage find you’ve found on a trip, we’d love to hear!


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