5 TIME SAVING TIPS | Do More What You Love With Your Loved Ones!

“Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.”William Penn

Dear friends,

As the end of the year approaches do you also feels like the weeks go racing by as you reflect on what you’ve done during the year? Time is a funny thing, it’s a precious currency that when spent you never get back. What you spend your time on is so valuable. Lindsay & I, usually only get 1 day off together a week and live far away from our families in California and Sweden; so days spent with loved ones is very treasured for us.

We all get the same amount of minutes in the day and we can decide how to spend it. We get caught up in the rat race like anyone else, and recently started to feel like the weeks flew by and we had little quality time spent together to show for it. We kept waiting for our Sundays together which always went by so quick. One day it struck us, why are we always waiting for the weekend and rushing through our weeks? There must be ways to “add more time” to our days and we set out to make some changes in our routines.

Yes, we all have jobs and commitments we need to maintain but there is some things you can do to make the most of your time. Here’s some ideas from what some changes we’ve made lately to make our weeks feel more meaningful and you can feel like you did more of what you love and with whom you love!

  1. PRIORITIZE: If you have a hectic lifestyle, half of the time can be spent just to keep your “must do’s” together. Our brains (at least mine) can easily be fried. Our computers might have a fan to protect our hardware to not get overheated, but we don’t, so make lists of everything. Then you don’t have to be afraid to forgot important things, since they are on the list. Try to focus on one task at the time until they are all done. By doing a list you also get the wonderful satisfaction to check the tasks off, one by one. This help you see that you can accomplish more than you think. (Click HERE for more time saving strategies)
  2. GET UP EARLY: This is one of the hardest thing on this list, but if you build up a routine using small steps you will soon be used to the early mornings, and maybe enjoy them. Try to go up 15 minutes earlier, and then increase the time till next day and so forth. It is amazing what you can accomplish in an extra hour a day. Maybe take a walk, get exercise and see how fresh you will feel during the rest of the day. Your mind is more fresh in the morning, even though it feels strange in the beginning. If you are a creative person you will soon notice that there is less disturbance in the morning than if you would try to do the same creative work in the evening when you’re tired. Another form of reward is that you can have time to make your self something extra for breakfast. Maybe that egg you never have time to boil? (Click HERE for more ideas of how to become a morning person)
  3. MEAL PREP: If you cook at home like us then you know how much time it takes not to mention the dishes. We’ve found that by meal prepping and getting our grocery shopping on 1 day of the week gives us so much more flexibility. Sacrifice a few hours 1 or 2 mornings/evening a week to plan out meals, chop vegetables, and cook what you can and you’ll feel your whole evenings freed up! (Click HERE for yummy and healthy meal prep recipes)
  4. SCREEN FREE TIME: Put away your phones (you can share that on Instagram later) it’s amazing how much time is wasted scrolling on your phones. Watch 1 less episode of your favorite show and put it towards something you’ve been meaning to do. Social media and other screen related activities can also be a pain when they keep buffering forever. Did you know that a book never needs wifi? Try it. (Click HERE to read more about the benefits of a social media detox)
  5. GET A WATCH: Nowadays, it is rare to see people wearing a watch (at least the younger generation). Every phone has a clock and you think it is easier to have everything in one place. I agree it’s convenient, BUT, every time you wonder what time it is you open your phone and since we are living in a multitasking culture you take a quick look if someone replied to your Facebook post, or if your Instagram photo gets as many likes you hoped for. Before you put the phone back in your pocket you take an extra look at the time, since that was your original purpose, realizing 10 minutes went by in a second, and you are late. (Click HERE to read more reasons to wear a watch and keep the tradition alive)

I, Jonas, had been on the hunt for a nice watch for a long time. When the Danish company Nordgreen contacted us offering me a watch I felt so happy, not only cause of my own Scandinavian heritage but because it was exactly the design I was after. Before I continue I would like to say that even though I got sponsored, the opinions are my own. I love how their watches are inspired by the Nordic lifestyle of removing the complexities of modern living and appreciating the little things–about having less and enjoying more.

My watch featured on our photos is the Philosopher design, gun metal, with a brown leather strap. It has a minimal and elegant design that speaks to me. Nordgreen also has a great “Giving back Program” where they with each purchase support one of three good causes. I must say to look at my watch feels good when it reminds me that it either provided clean water for two months for a person, or 2 month education for a child, or protection for 200 sq-ft of rain forest. I don’t think any social media app can compete with that feeling. Keep reading to get a special coupon code for our followers!

So our friends, we hope you get some inspiration of how to practice the art of slow living and to make each moment count. We are still learning and finding ways to manage our time, and maybe some our tips might not work for you since everyone is different, but we hope it inspires you to look at your life and find ways to make the most of your days. What are ways that you time manage? We hope this finds you well and enjoying a charming and hygge (as the Danish say) holiday season with your loved ones cherishing every moment together.

Bye For Now,
Jonas & Lindsay Dianne

P.S. Nordgreen has created a special code ‘CHARMINGLIFE‘ for our charming followers, which gives you 15% off! They have lovely men’s and women’s watches designed to work with every day wear made with integrity and have free delivery and returns internationally!


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