Once upon a springtime in Georgia…

Jonas & I volunteered at a historic farm/wedding venue called Mountain Laurel Farm through the Workaway program which was a life changing experience for us! After almost being homeless we were so blessed to stay and volunteer in the Blue Ridge Mountains for 2 months in the spring of 2016!
The late 1800s farmhouse there is something straight out of my old fashioned southern dreams (take a tour of the farm HERE) and our lovely host had this scarlet red dress that she insisted I use. So naturally, I couldn’t help but throw together a “Gone With The Wind” inspired photo shoot!
I put together a flower crown with red roses that were part of the wedding decorations at the venue and already had my parasol with me. Jonas was gifted this oh so dapper suit and vest by our host’s mother! Thus, our southern gothic romance was born at a drop of a hat. It feels right to re-share these photos as it is the 80th anniversary of the film.
Do you love “Gone With The Wind”? I adore it not only for the tumultuous romances between Scarlett & Rhett and breathtaking scenes; but for the hope it brings. 2016 was such an adventure of traveling 19 states but was also an extremely stressful time as we didn’t always know where our next meal would come from but we never did go hungry. So, we could declare like Scarlett that:
“…I’m going to live through this, and when it’s all over, I’ll never go hungry again!”
At times we were so desperate I would just have to look at Jonas through my tears and say I can’t talk about it anymore, “I’ll think about that tomorrow” because my mind couldn’t bare any more anxiety for that 24 hours. Things often seem more clear and hopeful after a night’s rest and wouldn’t you know that with a lot of hard work and determination we were able to rise above and echo Scarlett once again:
“After all, tomorrow is another day!”
Dearies, have you ever gone through challenging times but later looked back and realized it made you so much stronger than you could have imagined? Maybe you’re going through something like that now, and I assure you that if you keep believing, you’ll get through it! With lots of kindred spirit love. Bye For Now,
-Lindsay Dianne
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