BRAIN FOG | 10 Tips For Mental Health

A Foggy Mind

Sometimes when you lose your way in the fog, you end up in a beautiful place! Don’t be afraid of getting lost!

-Mehmet Murat Ildan

Dearies, do you ever experience brain fog? Where you feel lacking in energy, have little motivation, and your thoughts feel clouded? Our fast paced society is so overloaded with distractions, notifications, and stress; where multi-tasking has become a normal part of life, but is it healthy? It leads me to the question, there must be a more mindful way to go about my days and make them more meaningful.

Before we go further: Consider there could be medical reasons behind why you may feel brain fog and please consult your doctor. These are just my thoughts on my personal journey; everyone is different but I hope you can get some encouragement from what I’m about to share!

This time last year I went through a health crisis and was struggling with a mysterious gastro/stomach issue where I could hardly eat, had terrible IBS symptons, got the super flu, and I was suffering burnout from trying to keep up with too many social media platforms and blogs…oh, and working 2 jobs. It was because of that hard experience that I realized I couldn’t keep up that pace any longer and made the decision to focus my energies on what was most important for my mental and physical health (even if I upset some of my bygone gals). If it hadn’t been for that crisis; I don’t think Jonas & I would have went down the more mindful path that “It’s A Charming Life” took and ended it up being one of our best years of growth!

Here more of my IBS/burnout story + chat with me about it on YT!

Even though I’ve come so far mentally & physically, there’s always room for growth! I, for one, always need a reminder about the ways that can improve my brain fog, especially when I’m experiencing it, which incidentally tends to always creep up on me most in the wintertime. These tips go hand in hand with my other post about helping with winter depression. These are my 10 TIPS FOR HELPING BRAIN FOG:

  1. NATURE THERAPY: It can be a challenge to make yourself get dressed to go outside but being in nature is one of the best ways to clear your mind. It was really therapeutic to go out in the backyard graveyard in the real fog and wander around and let the damp air fill my lungs. Inspiration came to me then that I couldn’t get from social media.
  2. REGULAR EXERCISE: Daily exercise is not only tied to physical health but also your mental health. If you can’t get outside, at least do some stretches indoors and get your body moving. I’m so guilty of getting glued to the couch, but I always feel better when I take time to honor my body and get my blood flowing.
  3. DIGITAL DETOX: Jonas & I have made it a point to have at least 1 day a week spent off social media and the benefits are amazing and surprising! You could even take it one step further and unplug from all devices. Another tip is turn your WiFi off at night and put your phone on airplane mode so your mind can fully detach.
  4. SLEEPING SCHEDULE: Getting enough sleep is so important but I can also be guilty of oversleeping, especially on the cozy snowy mornings. Jonas & I have been trying to go to bed and wake up at the same time everyday even if our work schedules change, to at least have some consistency for our body routines.
  5. READ A BOOK: Reading has so many benefits and is an amazing way to get your brain to focus on one thing. Jonas wrote a wonderful post on how it has helped him immensely to slow down and let his brain fall into a soothing rhythm while reading. But if you’re like me and tend to fall asleep sometimes while flipping the pages, try listening to audio books through Audible. I’ve loved listening to self-care books while I clean the cottage or cook.
  6. SELF-IMPROVEMENT: When I’m in a rut, sometimes learning something new helps gets your brain juices flowing again. Listening to inspiring podcasts or watching YouTube videos on topics you’ve always wanted to know more about gives a great satisfaction and creates fresh inspiration! I’ve been using Skillshare to take all kinds of courses from photography to herbalism (click here to get 2 months free!)
  7. SELF-CARE: The biggest lesson I learned from all I experienced from my mystery illness & burnout is that it’s vitally important to take the time for yourself and do something that brings you joy, just for the sake of it and don’t feel guilty that you should be doing something else that’s “more productive”. Draw a nice warm bath, connect with an old friend over coffee, get a massage, watch your favorite movie, or take time for a hobby that you’ve put off.
  8. CREATE A SAFE SPACE: When there’s too much clutter around me I have a very hard time focusing and feel like the walls are closing in on me. It’s important to create an anxious-free space where you’re not distracted. I, like so many, was inspired by the Marie Kondo Kon-mari method of organizing your home and keeping things that spark joy. By doing so, also points out what’s most important and what you can strip away from your life both physically and mentally.
  9. CLEAN EATING: What we put into our bodies affects our mental clarity. Or sometimes, you may have a sensitivity to something you aren’t aware of. It’s always best to consult your doctor on changing your diet and I learned so much about my gut health and how it affects every part of your body, even the mental.
  10. DON’T COMPARE: Everyone is on their own unique journey through this life, and no one’s life is perfect even if it looks that way on Instagram. Looking to others for inspiration is wonderful but can also cause jealousy and a feeling of inadequacy. In times like that, I’ve learned to look inward instead of outward. Take time to be grateful for what you have and focus on your own hopes, dreams, and goals and the ways you can go making your own charming life.

So my dear kindred spirits, whatever you may be going through, realize that you are loved and worthy of taking time to take care of yourself and do something that makes you happy just for the sake of joy! Do let me know how you practice self-care and help brain fog?
Bye For Now,
-Lindsay Dianne

P.S. If you’d like to read more mental health blog posts, click HERE and if you found this post helpful consider sharing with a friend or buying a “coffee” to help support “It’s A Charming Life” (every cup counts!)


  1. Becky

    Wonderful blog post and tips. Going to write these tips down and try to follow them. Thank you so much Lindsay!! You are a wonderful gal and I appreciate you so much!

  2. Eeva

    Great article and helpful tips, Lindsay. 🙂 I can definitely relate to the feeling of brain fog. I have also struggled with comparing myself to others, but what I’ve tried to do is just focus on what I’m doing and looking at social media less. I often feel like I’m all over the place with what I’m doing, but I try to remember that by trying everything, at some point you will eventually find your unique voice. (Ps. Love the photos of the graveyard.)

    1. It's A Charming Life

      Thank you Eeva for reading! It’s fun that you’ve been in our backyard graveyard, to recognize it! And YES, comparing is the worst but we’re all on our own unique journey aren’t we?! It’s funny, because I admire so much your style and aesthetic and feel you have it so put together while we’re a hot mess! Lol just goes to show, we’re our own worst critique and social media makes it hard sometimes, but thankfully we have kindred spirits like you who are the reason we are here! Xx

  3. Pingback: HOW TO COTTAGECORE YOUR LIFE (Cozy Cottage Advice.)

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