Mark Twain is one of the most known and beloved authors in the history of literature. His list of work is long but what people most likely think about when they hear his name is probably his stories about Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, set in the Mississippi River area around the 1840s.
During the annual Tom Sawyer day, we were fortunate to visit this most interesting author’s home in Hartford, CT. He lived at many places during his life but this place was where he spent most of his time, and it was here he said he and his family were most happy. For more info of the museum visit “The Mark Twain House and Museum” or Their Facebook page.

“Tom Sawyer day” is a very family friendly event, that this year took place at the same time as the “Open House Day in Connecticut.” (Follow them on Facebook.) It is a day when a long list of historical houses opens up their doors to the public around the whole state. Where we are going we are met by a lot of fun activities such as free games and live music. Not to mention the new twist based on one of Mark’s short stories from 1865, “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” which is about a frog race. Instead of using real frogs today, since they are hard to catch, not to mention the expensive salary that athletes today requires, robotic frogs were used instead.

The day is sunny and as made for this particular celebration. We see Tom Sawyer himself walking around the premises with Becky Thatcher. Interactive skits are being demonstrated in time-typical outfits that make it feel extra authentic. They are doing a great job because here and there as the sun finds its way through the green canopy, landing directly at my face I have to blink for a while to adjust my vision. As my eyes as from a momentarily dream slowly comes back I can not be sure if I am really in the same era as Mark Twain or not. But that is part of the fun today as our feet might walk in today while our minds are dancing around somewhere in the 19th century.

We are getting ready to enter the main attraction of this location, a tour inside his private house. A house whose construction was finished in 1874. Here was where the author himself claimed to have been the happiest and most productive in his life.

The entrance hall feels like walking straight into a church. Marbles are reflecting the dim light that back in the days would have been gas lamps. Today they have been modified to electric light that is dimmed to give the same impression that the former residents had.
Dark wood is giving the most exclusive first impression which we learn was what was intended. The house is stunning and its architecture reminds us of a coo-coo clock. The tour guide shows us old photographs from each room that all carry interesting and funny anecdotes.
One might think that perhaps his ideas still are floating around there like invisible ghosts from the past, giving us chills as they touch our arms, stroking the hair of our necks.

As we come to the top floor we are entering Mark Twain’s private office. The room in which he wrote many of his beloved classics. One might think that perhaps his ideas still are floating around there like invisible ghosts from the past, giving us chills as they touch our arms, stroking the hair of our necks.
By visiting a person’s home, even if he is alive or not, lets you get to know the person a bit better than before. Our impression of Mark Twain is that he seemed like his house, most interesting and a bit extraordinary. Ahead of his time and filled with humor and always the life of the party.

We were unfortunately not allowed to take physical photos inside the estate, but with our eyes, we snapped an endless amount of memories that are stored in our minds ready to be re-lived for any rainy day.
While out in the garden people are heading towards new adventures. We stay for a while, spend some time in the garden, pretending that Mark is sitting inside those walls writing the first draft of his beloved adventure, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.”

It is a great day which now has forever inked itself in on the pages of our Charming Life. We hope you someday can visit the home of a great author. It is truly something special.
P.s. Did you know “Mark Twain” was his pen name? His real name was Samuel Clemens. “Mark Twain” was a term used on the riverboats as they measured the water levels. They used ropes that was marked at a certain length. Dipped them in the water and shouted “Mark?” where another one answered “Twain!” Thereby “Mark Twain.”

Photo by: David Graveen
Bye for now & Hej då allihopa!
-Jonas & Lindsay
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Love both you , I live in West Hartford. Mark Twain house is a true gem , just like the both of you. Found your Cobweb Cottage videos by accident. Brought a smile and warmth to my heart. Keep loving and living , Denise
Thanks Denise, for your nice comment. Hartford is so nice, and the Mark Twain house is such a treasure. I especially love the greenhouse room of it.
We are happy you found us! 🙂
Best wishes // Jonas and Lindsay