AUTUMN BUCKET LIST | 10 Cozy Fall Activity Ideas

Autumn Bucket List - Vintage Fall Bucket List

Enjoy the whole Fall season with our Autumn Bucket List. These are our 10 favorite activities that make Fall the best season of all. Don’t forget to invite your family or any friends who need a crisp season to remember, and most of all, make it as fun as you like it.

Our favorite thing about a cottagecore Fall is the idea of slowing down, getting cozy, and appreciating the beauty of the colorful changing of seasons with many delicious comforts. We hope that this bucket list can inspire you to find the charm of this enchanting season.

To appreciate this cozy autumn bucket list you donโ€™t need a cottage or a farm. Simply enjoy each category how you see them, and from wherever you call home. Create environments and memories that will warm up your mind throughout the rest of the year.

You are welcome to use the hashtag #thischarmingautumn to share and inspire other kindred spirits with your favorite moments and memories of Fall! This vintage-inspired card is designed with room for your own creativity and imagination:

Autumn Bucket List - It's a Charming Life - Vintage Fall
Please help us by sharing this on Pinterest!
Autumn Bucket List by It's a Charming Life available in The Woodland Library on Etsy

Enjoy our Enchanted Autumn playlist on YouTube:

Now, let’s get ready for our cozy Autumn Bucket List
as we say welcome to crisp and refreshing days of Fall.

Autumn Bucket List - It's a Charming Life


Fall foliage hike Hudson Valley New York

๐Ÿ‚FALL FOLIAGE: This might be the most iconic Fall activity. Autumn is, after all, a change in nature, and now is a good reason to spend more time outside and enjoy the leaves before they fall. Take a walk on them, and hear the rustling noise under your feet. Collect them, press them between some books, and have them framed. Or just as simple as breathing the crisp and fragrant air of Fall. We like to go leaf peeping by taking a scenic drive upstate and staying in a cozy cabin over a weekend.

MORE FALL FOLIAGE: Visiting The Towns That Made Gilmore Girls | Stars Hollow, CT

Autumn Bucket List - It's a Charming Life


Woodland wander identifying tree leaves in the autumn forest

๐Ÿ„FIND WONDERS IN THE WOODS: Squirrels and other critters are in for some hectic days of Fall, but that doesn’t mean you have to. Go for a hike and just relax and fill your mind with stress-free moments in the woods; put some acorns in your pockets, and be happy. We like to go foraging for berries to bake with, we always make sure we identify them and leave enough for nature.

Autumn Bucket List - It's a Charming Life


Orchard apple cider and donuts

๐ŸŽVISIT AN ORCHARD OR A FARM: It can all be a whole day of old-fashioned fun for the whole family to visit an orchard or a local farm where you can pick apples, or make a choice of which pumpkin will be the pride of your porch. While you’re there, enjoy something from the season’s flavor, a cup of pumpkin spiced coffee, a “fresh from the oven” pie, or perhaps a true New England classic; an apple cider donut.

Autumn Bucket List - It's a Charming Life


Sweater weather in a cozy autumn cardigan

๐ŸงฃENJOY THE WEATHER WITH A SWEATER: A cozy Fall experience says it is best wrapped in something soft. Enjoy wearing your cozy scarf for the first time of the year. Wear your buttoned-up plaid shirt, or knit sweater (that perhaps you knit yourself). But, Sweater Weather is not only about outfits and clothes. It is when you let yourself surrender in the great and small reminders of Fall that warms the heart. If it is to enjoy a cup of tea on a foggy morning, visit a charming small-town coffee shop, or go on a picnic to enjoy the crisp autumn weather.


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Autumn Bucket List - It's a Charming Life


Pumpkin patch

๐ŸŽƒPUMPKIN SPICE AND ALL THINGS NICE: Surround yourself with pumpkins, and your soul will smile. Pumpkins are funny and whimsical, and each has their own personality. You can almost imagine their happy faces smiling at you, whispering and giggling with each other when you pass them in their patch. Whether you decorate with them, bake, carve them as a pro, or try out the craft for the first time does not matter, the effect will still be the same. Pure pumpkin, joy!



YOUTUBE: ART PUMPKIN CARVING JOURNEY | RISE of the Jack O’Lanterns Halloween Event

Autumn Bucket List - It's a Charming Life


A cozy autumn tea time

๐ŸฅงENJOY A FALL FIKA: Autumn is the season when a hot drink can be a very pleasant experience in the crisp cooler weather. If you prefer tea or coffee does not matter, just find a moment when you can recharge and enjoy the moment. And bake, or purchase (at a local bakery), whatever you prefer, the many fall-flavored comforts of this wonderful season. Also, make heartwarming soups or any comfort foods to enjoy on a chilly evening.

GET THE RECIPE HERE: HARVEST FRUIT PIE| The easiest but still the best

Autumn Bucket List - It's a Charming Life


Cozy tea time in bed

๐ŸCREATING THE AMBIANCE FOR FALL: It does not have to be a complete home decor makeover. it could simply be putting out a few fall decorations and lighting a candle with your favorite autumnal scent. A few things can really spruce up the whole atmosphere and make your home so cozy. Also, remember that you can find beautiful decorations in nature as well like acorns, leaves can be pressed and placed in a small frame. Corn stalks can wrap around any lamp post or rest near your entrance. Music really adds to the ambiance too, we love putting on bluegrass folk music or classic jazz to make the decorating experience more charming.

MORE FALL AMBIANCE: COZY FALL COTTAGE DECOR | Inspiration For Your Cottagecore Life

Autumn Bucket List - It's a Charming Life


Reading Little Women on a chilly morning

๐Ÿ“šREAD A BOOK FOR FALL: Back-to-school time means literary trips to a local library. The moments to read nostalgic books are perfect in the Fall. When days grow shorter let your mind travel to different worlds and bygone times. So many books have a crisp autumn theme that can add to the cozy atmosphere, and books “taste” delicious with a cup of tea or two. There is a special tingling by touching autumn leaves that also appears when book pages are turned. It’s quite the journey.

For further inspiration:

BLOG: DARK ACADEMIA READING LIST | Cozy Books for Autumn & Winter


The Woodland Library - Artist Jonas LG Karlsson - It's a Charming Life Postcard
You’ll find the cozy spooky art prints at:

Autumn Bucket List - It's a Charming Life


Stars Hollow Connecticut Gilmore Girls

๐Ÿ“บCOZY MOVIE NIGHT: Fall nights can seem darker than usual, and the sudden gasps of wind might make anyone jump. It is in those times we need an extra cozy watch list to bring some brightness into the gloomy autumn nights. May our titles turn all spookiness to pure coziness.


Autumn Bucket List - It's a Charming Life


Harvest time pumpkin wagon

๐ŸŒพGATHER GRATITUDE: There’s such an abundance of fruits and vegetables this time of year and usually more than enough for everyone to share and gather together. It’s also a time to be thankful for the fruit of your labors, reflect on all the goodness in our lives, and practice gratitude.


SUPPORT A SMALL BUSINESS: Holidays such as Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc., are important for small businesses. It is essential to support them if you can. Remember that it is better to preserve a wide variety of businesses in your town rather than supporting one huge corporation. Handmade product made by craftsmen has so much more value and you can usually see it in their products that they really love what they are doing.

Autumn Bucket List by It's a Charming Life available in The Woodland Library on Etsy
Get your Autumn Bucket List Postcards while they are available.

We hope you got some cozy ideas and of course, we’d love to hear about your favorite fall festivities and traditions wherever you live. We hope you’ll create comforting environments and memories that will warm your heart throughout the rest of the year.

Bye for now,
– Lindsay & Jonas

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  1. Ms. Rebecca

    so much fall fun to be had with fikafrie ds during the cozy Cobweb Cottage live stream on YouTube. Thank you for hosting such a fun virtual event!

    Ms Rebecca of the Flying V-S Farm.

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  2. Kastle

    I love everything about fall – layered outfits, leaf peeping, decorating, watching movies set in the fall. Can’t get enough of it. Thank you for this mega list of fall activities – definitely has some new things for me to do and watch! ๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ‚

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  3. Pingback: WAYS TO CELEBRATE SUMMERWEEN | A Stress free Halloween

  4. Sally Cormier

    I just checked another fall bucket list item off my list. Picnic in an old graveyard. I even dressed up steampunk style, cuz why not! Old Scotch Burial Ground in Carthage NC. Brought the book Topper to read, another item on my list, spooky reads. No ghosts sighted except in the book!

  5. Camille Z.

    Greetings from a new book club member and, if you’ll have me, a Fika Friend! Thank you for compiling and sharing this beautiful Autumn Bucket List. With the activities from the list List (plus four family birthdays in October), this month will surely be busy and fun. Accomplished so far: decorate, read a book, support a small business, Fall Fika (hopefully, that one will be ongoing ๐Ÿ˜Š). Looking forward to trying all the rest of the activities. ๐Ÿ‚

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  6. Pingback: Autumn Pumpkin Cake | A Simple and Easy Fall Favorite

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