CHARMING SPRING BUCKET LIST | Best Tips For A Cottagecore Springtime

Spring Activities - It's a Charming Life

We’ve put together a special spring bucket list. Because we think that springtime is the best time to unwind in the green while embracing the most charming cottagecore moments of your life.

To enjoy this green spring bucket list you don’t need a cottage or a farm. You can simply create the environments and moments that you are longing for after so much time indoors. Springtime is a perfect time to renew and romanticize everyday charming moments.

You are welcome to use the hashtag #thischarmingspring and share your favorite spring moments with our kindred spirit contributors!

Spring Bucket List - It's a Charming Life
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Enjoy our Mindful Dreamy Spring playlist on YouTube:

Now, let’s get ready for our Spring Bucket List
as we welcome the brighter days!

Spring Activities - It's a Charming Life Bucket List


Spring picnic and reading outdoors

🌱GO GREEN: As nature reminds us that green times are coming, why not come up with ideas for how you can make your lifestyle more green as well? You don’t have to like the color Green to Go Green! It’s more of a lifestyle!

A good old Spring Cleaning can provide some ideas for how to go greener and simplify your life at the same time. It’s easy to make your eco-friendly cleaning products. To be more sustainable, try switching to plastic for using baskets instead and storing food in glass jars. Instead of buying brand new, think about what you can repurpose or find second-hand to reduce waste. When you are refreshing your spring wardrobe, don’t forget to look at your local thrift stores first or even online, you never know what unique clothing you might find. Donating unused clothes to a thrift store will also help others go green too.

GO GREEN: 5 Cottagecore Sustainable Swaps

Spring Activities - It's a Charming Life Bucket List


🐝GET GARDENING: As the bees start buzzing around, so can you. A garden can be as big or small as you prefer. It will be like a friend that will give back the more you put into it.

You can start small and see where it takes you. Many gardens start at the kitchen table as herbs that can later be transferred outdoors. A great inspiration is to visit public gardens or plant sales to see what grows locally. We’ve been learning about using native plants in our cottage garden and welcoming pollinator-friendly flowers. It’s such a thrill to find a sprouting bud that you planted!

Spring Activities - It's a Charming Life Bucket List


Vintage bluebirds in the garden book

🐣FEATHERED FRIENDS: Birds are the playlist of brighter times. Their songs are what paint a smile on the warm blue sky. And, did you know bird songs can help lower stress?

We are beginners at bird watching but it’s become a favorite past time of ours. It is fun, almost like a game, to try and recognize a new bird call every day or spot the feathered friend behind the tune. There are so many colorful variations of birds and to be aware of them has opened our minds to slow down and fully embrace more nature in our lives.

A very meaningful way to have a connection with your local feathered friends is to buy or even build your own birdhouse to hopefully attract a family that you can watch building a nest and raising their young and watching them learn how to fly.

Need a binocular? There are some good ones here: Binoculars for Bird Watching

Etsy - It's a Charming Life - The Woodland Library postcards and prints
Support us on Etsy – Whimsical and Charming Art Prints and Postcards (Perfect as Gifts)

Spring Activities - It's a Charming Life Bucket List


Natural colorful dyed Easter eggs

🌈COLORFUL DECOR: Imitate nature by decorating with the same cheerful rainbow of colors. After all, nature in the springtime is the best Pinterest board for aesthetic inspiration. The color palette of spring is for us, lighthearted yellow, pastel pink, purple, and blue. A fun tradition for Easter time is to make Natural dyed eggs with fun ingredients to get a whimsical look. Place them in a basket with moss for a nice centerpiece.

For the vernal equinox, we enjoy gathering budding branches and blossoms to bring inside. We decorate them with pastel-colored feathers, decorative eggs, and butterflies.

Tulips are another lovely way to add some colors as well. We often buy the bouquets but find the potted bulbs to be a better investment as they allow us to permanently place them in our garden once they have faded, knowing that they will return, again next year.

Here is how you can make your very own DIY Cottagecore Spring Tree it is so easy.

Spring Activities - It's a Charming Life Bucket List


Field of tulips and daffodils

FLOWER SHOWER: Spring might be the most colorful season of all that truly sparks all the senses from visual beauty to refreshing fragrance and fabulous flavors. April showers bring May flowers and there are so many ways to enjoy them.

Spring is the best time to look for blossoms of all sorts. Pick wildflowers, decorate with them, press them, wear them, and most of all, cherish them. Did you know that many flowers, such as violets, are edible and can be used as decor or flavoring in baking? Just make sure there is no pesticide used where they grow and that you are sure you have identified the flower as edible before you enjoy your kitchen creation.

Whimsical Wildflowers: Baking with Violets – Recipe

Spring Activities - It's a Charming Life Bucket List


Blowing dandelion wishes

🍃OPEN AIR: Let the fresh breeze find its way into your home, and while the curtains wave, wash the windows so you can always see the beauty that happens outside.

By opening the windows you can feel the cobwebs soar away leaving room for spring to settle in. All of a sudden, nature does not feel like a stranger but a dear companion that encourages you for more mindful experiences together.  

You can also enjoy the open air by getting outdoors on a nearby nature walk, or visit a farm with newborn baby animals, or even a botanical garden. A spring tradition for us is having a picnic among the daffodils.

Get more inspiration: How to cottagecore your life

Spring Activities - It's a Charming Life Bucket List


Cottagecore basket of lilac blooms

🌷UPLIFTING AROMAS: Every season has its own aroma. One of our favorite spring fragrances is lemon and lavender. Candles, teas, and baking are great ways to bring fresh energy into your home.

Our best tip for bringing more scents into your home is to make a homemade cleaning solution using seasonal flowers and fruits for the right spring fragrance for you. It is not only better for the environment but leaves a rewarding scent in the whole house, you’d be surprised how easy it is to find instructions online.

Also, using lemon and lavender in baking is another special way to adapt more spring into your home. It also results in a very good reward after a day of spring cleaning.

Find the recipe here: Lemon Cake Pie

Spring Activities - It's a Charming Life Bucket List


🪁PLAYFUL PASTIMES: You can let the springtime fly by, or simply fly it yourself, with a kite.

For us, Spring is a positive and playful time of the year. Flying a kite might first seem like a childhood memory, but doing it as an adult is not only fun, it makes you smile and laugh in your heart. It is okay to adopt a more childlike demeanor, surprise your spouse or friends with an egg hunt, or climb a tree for a while. Be creative and playful.

Isn’t it strange that being playful is a skill that fades away by age? It seems to be the only skill that you are better at the least experience you have.

Whimsical Craft Ideas for Easter

Spring Activities - It's a Charming Life Bucket List


Anne of Green Gables book in blooming spring tree

🐇LIGHTHEARTED LITERATURE: Remind your mind that spring is here by opening a window to your imagination. Let your thoughts just hang for a minute waving in the air like curtains.

Spending time with a good book is a relaxing activity during the springtime. What makes it even nicer is to take advantage of the warmer weather by reading outdoors, or why not on a sturdy branch up in your favorite tree?

Cottagecore Reading List for Spring and Summer

Get Inspired: Cottagecore Reading List

Spring Activities - It's a Charming Life Bucket List


Spring tea cup with flowers

🫖ROMANTICIZING MOMENTS: By allowing small special moments every day you set yourself up for a mindful life.

When there is a rainy day, enjoy a special cup of tea. Light some fresh scented candles and read a book, or watch an aesthetically pleasing movie. Lace curtains and linen dresses add a touch of charm to even the most regular Monday. Spend a little extra time once in a while making a fancy dinner for no reason or host a themed tea party.

Get inspired: A COTTAGECORE WATCH LIST | Aesthetically pleasing movies for Spring and Summer

Cottagecore Watch List

What do you think of our spring bucket list? Did we not mention something important to you? If so, let us know. Let us rejoice that the days are growing brighter and spring is here!

Bye For Now,
-Lindsay Dianne & Jonas

P.S. Consider supporting us on Patreon! For as little as a cup of tea, you can get exclusive perks and BTS

Cottagecore Spring Essentials
Find Spring cottagecore essentials in our Amazon Storefront


  1. Ida Lins

    You forgot the “vårskrik”! From Astrid Lindgrens Ronja Rövardotter, It Will really fill your lungs with spring!


    1. Post
  2. Autumn Zenith

    This is such a dreamy, beautiful and entirely welcome list made all the more enchanting by your choice of share IG images.

    One of my favourite and most highly anticipated aspects of spring is getting to experience more nights of clear skies, after months of heavy (usually snow-filled) cloud cover, so I make a point to star and moon gaze on a regular basis whenever possible.

    Wishing you both a truly lovely and immensely safe spring during these globally challenging times. 💗

    Autumn Zenith 🎃 Witchcrafted Life

  3. Pingback: BEST MOVIES FOR SPRING | Family Friendly Movies

  4. Pingback: A COTTAGECORE WATCH LIST | Aesthetically pleasing movies

  5. Holly

    I love these ideas! When COVID-19 first started and I switched to working from home in March 2020, I went back to feeding the birds and now can take several work breaks to watch the birds at my feeder and see who comes and goes with the seasons.

    1. Post
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