Summerween occurs in the summertime when the hottest days make us long for crisp autumn weather. We see it as a spooky stress free Halloween.
So, how do you celebrate this “fake holiday” in the best possible way? With “fake holiday” we mean holidays that are not official ones, more fun and made up, such as “National Pancake Day” and “National Coffee Day”. The list can be as long as there are cravings for all sorts of things. But, let us begin by learning about Summerween’s origin as we know it.

It began in the fictional town of Gravity Falls, from the Disney cartoon with the same name. The town is located in Oregon, and its townspeople love Halloween so much that they celebrate it twice a year. On June 22, or the second to last Friday of the month. However, you can celebrate it whenever you want during summertime. For us it is just a way to funnel our excitement for spooky season, that’s all. Living in a Halloweentown ourselves, we and the villagers and visitors of Sleepy Hollow, NY understand how fun it is to make every day feel like Halloween.

Here are 7 of our favorite ways to celebrate a stress-free Summerween while enjoying the beautiful summertime and dreaming about Halloween season at the same time. Also, don’t forget to check us out on YouTube.
1. Watermelon Carving 🍉

The most important Halloween ingredient that is hard to find in the middle of summer is pumpkins. However, watermelons are a perfect option for making something else, “Jack-O-Melons” the summer version of “Jack-O-Lanterns”.
Watermelons are almost spookier than pumpkins because they have red-colored fruit which creates an ultimate glow for frightful summer nights. Another plus is that watermelons are sold almost everywhere when Summerween occurs and usually cost less than pumpkins.🍍 Did you also know, that you can carve pineapples too?
Prepare for Fall? Get inspired here: COZY FALL ACTIVITIES

2. Creatures of the Night 🦇

Flickering candles and sparkling string lights are well-appreciated Halloween aesthetics. For Summerween a similar light event might occur in your backyard if you are lucky. We are talking about fireflies! One of many creatures of the night that can be enjoyed during “Summerween”.
If you live where fireflies exist we highly encourage you to enjoy them as they only appear in the summertime. If you don’t have the opportunity there are other peaceful events a summer evening has to offer. Spotting a bat when the sunset slowly makes room for the moon and stars can be as lovely as anything else, or admiring the beautifully woven pattern of a spider web.
And, while stargazing did you see that sudden light swoosh over the horizon? …can it be a UFO? 🛸
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3. Spooky Stories 🔥

Summertime and campfires go hand in hand. There is so many campfire tales that are perfect for Summerween. When the fire is crackling the senses of your imagination is raising to higher levels of sensitivity. Sudden noises from the nature can suddenly be more obvious adding to the cozy spooky atmosphere. You can not quite be sure if it was the Sasquatch you heard, or perhaps some summer-zombies that wants to come joining the party.
Stories around a campfire do not have to be as spooky as they tend to be on Halloween. Remember that Summerween is the stress-free version of Halloween so make it as scary as you can handle.
Most important while telling stories around the campfire! Enjoy it with beloved summer food such as hotdogs and s’mores. We associate those two treats combined as the number 1 summer meal. Also, if the story turns scary there is nothing so comforting as holding a bun.

4. Cemetery Picnic🪦

Cemeteries during Halloween are usually portrayed as very haunted, but that might not be the case during Summerween. When wildflowers and vines are at the peak of growing it is hard to imagine anything haunted. (See our post AMAZING VIOLET COOKIES for some more flower ideas.) We love grabbing some goodies from a local farmers market and laying out a picnic blanket under a tree.
Also, it is very relaxing watching the wildlife doing its thing. Listening to the beautiful songbirds resting on top of gravestones. It is almost as if they represent the person whose name is carved on the stone. We highly recommend you visit an old historic cemetery if you can. If you are concerned about ghosts, remember they might be away on summer vacation. Transylvania is a popular destination we’ve heard.

5. Spooky Shopping 🕸
Summerween is great opportunity to shop smaller. There are tons of talented artists out there who need customers like you during the holidays especially Summertime, that can be very scary and slow for small businesses.
Instead of buying the same “Code Orange” decor as everyone else or buying a mass produced product, why not order something unique that was created from one persons creative heart? Supporting smaller businesses are usually a more environmentally friendly option as well as encouraging for artists of all sorts.

6. Pool Party 🏴☠
In the hot days of summer, embrace the Summerween vibe by throwing a tiki beach bash with a dark surf rock playlist or a pirate themed pool party with skeletons.
Don’t try to copy Halloween but to make it a fa-boo-lous summer version of it. Instead of doing “trick or treat” you can make a spooky fishing booth since fishing really suits the summer vibe at the same time it involves candy. And why not cool down in the heat by boobing for some apples? Stay chill!

7. Ghoulish Watch Party📺
The perfect way to end the night of Summerween fun is a frightful watch party, hopefully during a gloomy thunderstorm. So many movies and TV series we enjoy during Halloween are already set in the summertime. It is almost as if Halloween was inspired by Summerween a long time before it was a thing. Some watch party ideas: Stranger Things, Jaws, The Lost Boys, Goosebumps, and, Jumanji, are a few examples that we enjoy.
If you want to save all the spooky titles for Halloween, a suggestion is to enjoy the children-friendly Summerween episode of “Gravity Falls”. You find it in the 12th episode of season 1.

Hope you enjoyed our 7 tips on how to celebrate a stress free and Happy Summerween!

We should definitely have more Halloweens! I like these ideas!
So glad you agree about more Halloween throughout the year!
Marvellous selection of ideas and inspirating. I love the dusk-verging-on-evening light that you captured some of your images for this post in. It adds to the spooky soul of Summerween all the more.
Happiest Summerween & countdown to fall, my sweet friends!
Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life
PS: For my birthday last week, I went for a full-on Summerween theme. I’d always wanted to have a Halloween themed b-day and now that I have, let me tell you, it surpassed even my wildest hopes. Definitely something I foresee repeating for at least some of my future cake days.
Dear Autumn, belated birthday greetings! It’s so fun to hear you celebrated in a summerween style, how perfectly fitting! Xx