Summertime should be calm and relaxing, so we’ve put together a bucket list with our favorite summer activities. We think the summer window of wonders is way too short to miss out on, so, let us romanticize and make this summer as relaxing as it is meant to be.
To appreciate this revitalizing summer bucket list you don’t need a cottage or a farm and there’s lots of room for your imagination. Simply savor it from wherever you call home and create the environments and moments that mean summer to you. This list isn’t meant to be stressful or rushed through, it’s more of a guideline of how to incorporate cottagecore and slow living activities into your summer season. You can challenge yourself to try them all it is or it’s okay to find your personal favorite and do it over and over again. You are welcome to use the hashtag #thischarmingsummer to share and inspire other kindred spirits with your favorite summer moments!

Enjoy our Peaceful Summer playlist on YouTube:
Get ready for our calm and relaxing Summer Bucket List as we say welcome to relaxing summer days.


🧺PACK A PICNIC: Picnicking is one of our favorite old-fashioned pastimes. In your basket, pack some delightful snacks and refreshing beverages. Wrap your sandwiches in wax paper for an extra touch of charm. Go barefoot in the grass for a grounding experience (But don’t forget to watch out for ticks and poison ivy for example).
A picnic should not be stressful, it should rather be a playground for all those small lovely impulses that come out in the summer when we gather ourselves around a lovely spread of food outdoors. Always pack a little bit more than intended. You never know how beautiful it will be out there.
To Read: Wind in the Willows Book review + Picnic


🌿NURTURE IN NATURE: Spending time in nature is so nurturing especially when everything is so green and lush.
Go for a day hike or if you have the chance even set up a camp. Watch a sunset over the mountains and see the fireflies dance in a meadow and stargaze at night. Take a walk in the woods and have a grounding forest bathing experience. Escape to the countryside and let nature make your stress go away no matter if you are in the local park or the wild. Summer is a short window that allows magical things to happen.


🌊WONDERFUL WATER: What would this wonderful world be without water? It makes flowers and gardens grow and we are sure it has the same effect on people too. Since the oceans are so important for all life, remember to keep it clean.
The sound of the waves on the beach is so relaxing and the feeling of the water between your toes. Pretend you’re a mermaid go for a swim in the ocean, take a dip in a lake, or wade in a river. We love taking a day trip to the seaside to breath the fresh salt air and find a seashell or two.


🍓FARM FRESH: The flavor of summer is fresh fruit and such a gift from nature. Bringing home farm fresh fruit is a great excuse for baking a peach pie.
Hand pickin’ berries is a delightful way to enjoy a summer day outside, just always be careful to properly identify the berries as non toxic. If you don’t have your own garden or bramble berries, look into the local farmer’s markets for fresh vegetables and see what’s in season.
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🫖TEA TIME: A tea party is always a good idea, especially outside when the weather is at its best. Making the cheerful noises from setting a table not only builds up inner excitement but makes all the critters so curious too. A soft breeze of summer air together with a bite of home-baked treats is a lovely combination when it is topped off with tea. To have tea time in the garden helps you experience those small nature details that otherwise would go unseen.


🌻FLORAL FROLICKING: Wildflowers are the fine art of life. Some might see weeds, others a wildflower bouquet.
There is so much you can do with wildflowers. You can dry them, put them in a vase, or make a flower crown. Some of them you can even use in the kitchen as some of them are edible, however, make sure to research before making them into treats. We also love visiting botanical gardens in the summer to see all the flowers in full bloom.


🌞SOAK UP THE SUN: Let the sun warm your skin and soul or enjoy it from under a parasol. You can almost feel all the vitamins soaking in. Sunshine feels great, but watch your skin, always wear sunscreen.
If you think the sun is too hot in the day time you can enjoy it as a sunset. The summer solstice is a beautiful time to enjoy the suns radiant energy before the day start to grow shorter again.


🍦COLD CONFECTIONS: If you need to cool down on a hot day what can be better than a cold confection?
Ice cream and popsicles, iced coffee, or iced tea are delightful on a sunny day. For us, it is a treat to take the chance to try new flavors. Remember there are also many lactose-free options nowadays. You can make your own smoothies at home and lemonade. Cold Confections do not have to be complicated, sometimes it is just the right thing to drop a strawberry in the ice water.
To Read: WAYS TO CELEBRATE SUMMERWEEN | A Stress-free Halloween


🦋WHIMSICAL WILDLIFE: The butterflies, ladybugs, and animals are so active in the summer but can easily be missed.
Take the time to admire the wings of a dragonfly or the beautiful songs of birds. Perhaps you are lucky to have frequent visits from hummingbirds. Once you start to feed them they might return year after year. You will notice fun behaviors in nature and if you are careful the critters might come closer to you.


🌤️DELIGHTFUL DAYDREAMING: Summertime reminds us of childhood vacations where it feels like one long daydream.
The long days are wonderful to let your mind wander and imagination grow. The rainy days of summer can be very relaxing. Nothing is so cozy as a good ol summer thunderstorm. Enjoy indoor activities that you normally wouldn’t do, take time to read a book, play a family board game, make art, or just daydream with no limits attached. For this one, I think it’s important to take your time and see where the creativity takes you.
To read: Aesthetically Pleasing Movies for Spring and Summer
To read: Countryside Books To Love in the Spring & Summer
We hope that our bucket list will inspire you with some ideas and we love hearing about your favorite ways to have a charming summertime wherever you live! What’s on your summer bucket list? Let us celebrate that the days of relaxing daydreaming and nurturing our bodies and souls finally are here!
Bye For Now,
-Lindsay Dianne & Jonas
P.S. Consider supporting us on Patreon! For as little as a cup of tea, you can get exclusive perks and BTS

I just recently found your lovely channel and I’m also going backward through your videos. Everything is delightful and so relaxing.
I wonder if you would be so kind as to tell me which Etsy shop you purchased the spectacular white spiderweb cardigan you are wearing at the end of this video?
I have searched in vain to find a shop. I would absolutely love to have one for our family’s harvest party.
Thank you so very much,
Hello and welcome! It looks like the shop doesn’t have the same spider web shawl listed but here’s the link to their shop, maybe you can message them and ask? Hope that helps for your harvest party!
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