Summerween occurs in the summertime when the hottest days make us long for crisp autumn weather. We see it as a spooky stress free Halloween. So, how do you celebrate this “fake holiday” in the best possible way? With “fake holiday” we mean holidays that are not official ones, more fun and made up, such …
This delightful cake goes great with the summer Fika and has one of the most whimsical names a cake can have, “Rooster Cake.” However, it does not have anything to do with the bird. There is a theory behind this whimsical name, that in Swedish is called “Tuppkaka.” It is said that there once was …
Stress-free summer days are the best. With a happy summer decor, you can achieve the right cottagecore vibe that brings peacefulness out of your home. Here are our favorite vintage decorations for the festive summer days. Since we, as an international couple, celebrate both our country’s national days, (Sweden and USA’s 4th of July) we …
It is tiny, yet the queen of the Swedish Fika table. The Raspberry Cave, a Swedish cookie that is as simple to make as it is to finish the whole tray. It belongs to the family of “Småkakor” (Tiny Cookies) and is besides “Swedish Cinnamon buns” one of the most enjoyed cookies in Swedish homes. …
A sustainable lifestyle does not have to be difficult. Here are 5 green ways that are very simple to adapt to your own home. This is cottagecore reaching the next level. These 5 green ways are very easy to adapt to, but we understand that changes do not happen over one night. For us, it …
When life gives you lemons, we know that Springtime is here and it is time to enjoy them. This Lemon Cake is put into a delicious pie crust. Is a lovely piece to enjoy during Easter. We must say that this Lemon Cake Pie has everything you need to make this arrival of spring more …
Slow living does not mean to do things more slowly but rather doing them mindfully and fill each day with intention. Here are 5 ways that have helped us living in the moment and see those details that a fast-paced lifestyle easily misses. The list works perfectly with the cottagecore lifestyle. The list came together …
We’ve put together a special spring bucket list. Because we think that springtime is the best time to unwind in the green while embracing the most charming cottagecore moments of your life. To enjoy this green spring bucket list you don’t need a cottage or a farm. You can simply create the environments and moments …
Cottagecore and Countryside books go hand in hand. It is about romanticizing your life and seeking inspiration from the fictional characters that are living your countryside dreams. Springtime is a reminder that even the smallest person can make a difference, and we can inspire each other by just being ourselves, like the snowdrops and crocuses …
Depression is more common than we may realize, and many of us suffer in silence. These 10 Self-care tips have been very helpful to us, and we hope that it can improve your mental health as well. A simple step is all it takes to start a journey to a more joyful tomorrow. As an …
We found winter to be a good time to read mystery novels, or short stories with suspense. For our “Sleepy Hollow Book Club” we picked our personal favorite mysteries that we think never dissapoint any cold winter day. We usually think of England when we are picturing a classic mystery novel. Characters like Agatha Christie’s …
Swedish Cinnamon Rolls is one of the most beloved treats on the Swedish Fika table. The secret to a successful Cinnamon Roll is to bake them yourself. With this Swedish Fika recipe, you will realize that it is quite easy. First of all, what does it mean to have a Swedish Fika? If you don’t …