Greetings From Sweden!

Dear charming friends, we invite you to join us for a picnic on an island in Sweden.

If you can’t make it to the beach right now, than take 20 minutes for yourself to relax and drift away with the sound of the waves lapping up onto the archipelago. Watch the midnight sunset change colors, hear the gulls cry, and the hum of boats passing by:

Dearies, we hope you enjoy this relaxing video as we read an excerpt from the Faerie Magazine  summer mermaid issue entitled “16 Signs You May Be A Mermaid” written by Grace Nuth. In the summertime we can’t help by be obsessed with sirens and to be by the seaside.

In fact, Lindsay can’t help but dress like one thanks to Adorkable Apparel, created by a real singing siren, Traci Hines (also featured in the magazine).

Whenever we arrive in Sweden to visit Jonas’ family, the first thing we try to do is pack a bag with snacks, grab an enchanting story, and flee to the sea! After traveling by air, it feels so absolutely refreshing to let the salty gusts of air breathe fresh life into you. We always feel energized for the rest of our trip and it feels like the waves lull helps us sleep better that night and we hardly ever experience jet-lag!

Which brings us to the subject of Swedish summertime and how that relates to our new series the “Art Of Slow Living.” Since most of the year Sweden can be very dark and cold (especially the closer you get to the arctic circle), Swedes sure do know how to enjoy the warm months to the fullest! It especially helps that around summer solstice in June, the sun hardly even sets in the sky, giving way to midnight sunsets, BBQs, and dips in the ocean well into the night.

Something we enjoyed to do when we lived in Sweden when Jonas worked at night was to go for a picnic around 10 in the evening, when no one else was around but the sea gulls and perhaps a mermaid or two. It feels like the more salty sea air that your lungs embrace, the longer that feeling of summer solace will be carried with you into the dark months ahead.

We may not always enjoy the heat this time of year, but we truly try to soak up all the warmth that summer has to offer. A perfect way being, a picnic by the sea, wouldn’t you agree?

Bye For Now,
Lindsay & Jonas

P.S. We would love to know what “slow living” ways you enjoy most in the summertime that help you slow down and take in the moment?



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